22 September 2016

Severe Health Ailments Related to Each Zodiac

Many look to the stars and lunar patterns for guidance on love, work, and health. Even if you are not one of those, it can still be downright entertaining to learn about possible associations between your health and the constellations. Here are the health ailments related to each zodiac.

Aries thrive on challenge and excitement which lead to head and brain ailments. Their over thinking traits lead to headaches, tooth issues, jaw grinding, and even facial blemishes.

Taurus is often prone to throat infections, thyroid conditions, stiff necks, tonsillitis, and ear infections. Because of the sign`s emphasis on the throat, many Taureans are fine singers and musicians as well.

Geminis gets affected in dual body parts like arms, legs and the respiratory system. They attract common colds, flu, cough and tendonitis. However rarely a Gemini suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, and nervous exhaustion.

Depression is a common affliction among emotional Cancerians. They also get affected by indigestion, intestinal maladies, and acid-reflex disease.

Leo governs the heart and the blood and can invite back problems, heart ailments, and lethargy. High blood pressure, blocked arteries, and irregular heartbeat are also quite common.

Eating disorders are common among Virgos. Without enough relaxation time to balance their busy schedules, ulcers, constipation, and food allergies could result.

Libra governs the food processing intestines and is prone to digestive problems. And because your skin is sensitive, stay hydrated and moisturized.

Severe ailments include irregular menstruation, bladder infections, and diabetes. Scorpio is vulnerable to consequences such as sexually transmitted diseases as well.

Health problems include spinal disorders and detoxification issues. Sagittarians are also vulnerable to conditions that affect the eyes.

Capricorn governs the bones of the body and hence is likely to suffer broken bones. High-heeled boots should be worn with caution.

Aquarians could lead to arthritis, heart problems, swollen limbs, varicose veins, asthma, and increased allergic reactions. You may also have weak ankles.

Pisces governs the nervous system and also the reflexes. They often have weak immune systems and are likely to have corns, bunions, and athlete`s foot.

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